
God’s Equal: What Can We Know about Jesus’ Self-Understanding? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Through analysis of the Gospel accounts regarding Jesus’ claims to inaugurate the kingdom of God, his miracles, and the authority in which Jesus speaks throughout Scripture, Sigurd Grindheim builds a case for his argument that Jesus claim to be God’s son must be understood in light of his implicit claims to be God’s equal. Through a comprehensive examination of primary sources, Grindheim explains...

intervention on earth, his defeat of his cosmic enemies, and a new world order with paradisiacal conditions.37 In the Isaiah Targum there is a tendency to prefer the phrase “kingdom of God” (מלכות יהוה) when reference is made to the eschatological intervention of God. Although this Targum is of a later date (fourth century CE), it appears to contain the only extant witness of exegetical traditions that are also found in the New Testament.38 Perhaps motivated by a desire to avoid anthropomorphisms,
Pages 15–16